Alla inlägg under maj 2012

Av Recycled Rubber - 22 maj 2012 15:28

Ake Paulsson, CEO of Ecorub AB presented losses of – 0,17 million Swedish Krona for the first quarter of 2012. Net sales for the same period was humble 1.8 million Swedish Krona.

Ecorub AB losing money year after year. In 2011 Ecorub AB loosed -1,9 million Swedish Krona. Nett sales in 2011 reached 6,2 million Swedish Krona.

The problems of EcoRub AB are accumulating. The losses from 2011 and the first quarter of 2012 are over 2 million Swedish Krona. Taking earlier years in account the situation is much more critical.

As Ecorub is losing the money for every year and losses to the company grow it is the time for refinancing. Only a transfusion of fresh money will keep the company alive.  Ecorub AB is now trying to find a new financially strong partner (in order to survive).

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